esball国际平台客户端 esball国际平台客户端

esball国际平台客户端 esball国际平台客户端

Welcome to esball国际平台客户端 University

We are a private, 位于纽约州北部的一所国立研究型大学,以给学生带来巨大的投资回报而闻名. We ignite interdisciplinary collaboration, innovative research and unparalleled technological education.

Our Golden Knights lead the charge in groundbreaking innovation. 加入我们.


作为技术教育和可持续经济发展的领导者, we offer more than 90 rigorous programs of study in engineering, 科学, 业务 and the 健康 professions. Our goal is to give our 4,000+ students the resources to ignite connections across disciplines, innovate real-world solutions and become the leaders of tomorrow.


We count over 380 active partners in industry, government agencies, chambers of commerce, research organizations and more. Coupled with our extensive and engaged alumni network 46,000 +强, 这些关系使我们的学生获得了极好的实习和专业机会.

Our Return on Investment

结果是, one in five esball国际平台客户端 alumni already holds a leadership position, either as a CEO, senior executive or owner of a company. 布鲁金斯学会将esball国际平台客户端评为提高学生终身收入潜力的全国十大大学之一, and we're among the top colleges for graduates who earn the most.

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学者 at esball国际平台客户端

This is an institution where you can be intentional about your career goals. Through hands-on learning, research opportunities and pre-professional experiences, you will graduate ready to thrive in today's economy. 在我们的90多个本科课程中找到合适的专业道路, 40-plus graduate programs and close to a dozen professional certificates.

esball国际平台客户端是由中部州高等教育委员会认可的. 我们的课程也得到了全国不同管理机构的认可.

Explore Our Schools, Institutes and 中心

Three 位置 in One Dynamic Region

esball国际平台客户端已经扩展到包括纽约州的三个地点:我们在波茨坦的主校区, our Capital Region Campus in Schenectady and the Beacon Institute in Beacon.

我们的位置与奥尔巴尼等区域经济中心近在咫尺,距离纽约市只有几个小时的路程, 锡拉丘兹, 波士顿, Montreal and Ottawa. Learn more about our locations:


esball国际平台客户端 University is an independent, 国家认可的技术大学,其教师/学者致力于提供卓越的教学和从事高质量的研究和工程奖学金, 业务, 科学, 健康, education and liberal arts. 我们的主要使命是通过高质量的大学预科教育,培养有才能、有进取心的男女成为成功的专业人士, 本科, graduate and professional continuing education programs, with particular emphasis on the 本科 experience.

我们的社区和校园环境提高了学生的生活质量,并为学生提供了与教师接触和互动的机会. We value the diversity of our University community; and we strive to attune ourselves and our programs to our global, pluralistic society. 我们赞同这样一种信念,即人道和无害环境的经济和社会发展源于扩大, diffusion and application of knowledge.

The 愿景 of A esball国际平台客户端 Education

Formally adopted in 1995, esball国际平台客户端教育的愿景是esball国际平台客户端毕业生在全球范围内脱颖而出的基础-首先是作为学生, 然后在竞争激烈的市场中成为高需求的年轻专业人士, and ultimately as CEOs, 拥有卓越的流动性,事业和生活成功的公司所有者和领导者.  (as cited by Brookings in naming top 10 universities nationwide for ROI).

esball国际平台客户端的教育经验旨在为有才华和雄心勃勃的学生提供必要的知识和技能,以实现他们所选择的职业的领导地位. esball国际平台客户端强大的技术丰富的课程和最先进的教学和研究设施的结合, 再加上对友好的学习环境和学生个人发展的无与伦比的承诺, 独特的准备esball国际平台客户端毕业生在他们选择的职业出类拔萃,并领导有益的和创造性的生活.

In addition to attaining mastery of the core knowledge within the field, a esball国际平台客户端 education is designed to enable students to:

  • solve real-world, 具有创造力和冒险精神的开放式问题,以获得实际和可持续的解决方案, including those they
  • 在杰出教师的指导下进行最先进的研究;
  • 在意识到潜在的文化差异的情况下,发展和完善卓越的沟通技巧;
  • 在由不同兴趣和背景的成员组成的学科和多学科团队中有效领导和富有成效地工作;
  • excel in using computing and information technologies;
  • 通过国家认可的教师的指导和指导学习,他们对教学和研究的承诺使esball国际平台客户端成为一所全国排名的大学.

esball国际平台客户端学生的教育通过个人和友好的学习环境得到极大的提高, within a small, 住宅, nationally recognized University, 哪一个:

  • 将学生置于教育过程的中心,所有员工都有责任创造一个环境
  • contributes positively to students’ overall educational experience;
  • draws 本科s, graduate students, faculty and staff together into a cohesive and stimulating learning community, wherein an atmosphere of scholarship and spirit of research is cultivated;
  • uses our campus as a living laboratory to improve learning, 并利用更广泛的区域来扩大和扩展esball国际平台客户端的服务范围和服务;
  • 提供个人建议,与教职员工互动,以及学生之间的支持关系;
  • 通过课外小组和活动提供许多领导机会;
  • 尊重和学习社区的不同的人,背景和文化.


在一起, 它们提供了一种独特的教育体验,旨在发展整个人.


有效的团队合作鼓励我们在各自的角色和伙伴关系中发挥创造力和自我主动性. 它对于完成任务和发展应对确保地方和全球经济可持续性挑战所需的技能至关重要, environmental and social systems.


A positive and friendly atmosphere is created when we care about each other, 当我们接受建设性的批评时,当我们对完成的工作表示赞赏时.




Having a vision of a sustainable future helps us prepare for it. 拥抱世界上不可避免的变化,因为这是我们能够预见的机会, promote and facilitate change.


The mutual appreciation of differences and a plurality of opinions, beliefs and cultural traditions inform and enrich our lives.




Educational experiences in and out of the classroom enliven our minds, broaden our horizons and facilitate dialogue and consensus. Learning is a lifelong activity.


“A workman that needeth not to be ashamed.” (The favorite Biblical phrase of University namesake Thomas S. esball国际平台客户端.) Initiative and hard work are key ingredients in getting the task done.